Underused Housing Tax

It is becoming increasingly apparent that there is an obligation to file UHT-2900 Returns where couples (and other Canadian Citizens) jointly purchase rental properties.

If only one person who is a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada) owns the property, then they are an excluded owner.

If more than one person, notwithstanding that they are Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents, owns the property, they are each an affected owner and each owner will need to file the UHT-2900 return by April 30, 2023 and must mail the UHT-2900 return to the tax department.

2022 Working from Home Quick Method

We again have the working from home worksheet for our clients.

Look for our email next month. Or if you are enthusiastic, the form was uploaded into the information folder on the client portal which can be downloaded after you sign into the portal.

Credit Card Processing Fees

I remind all clients that I still do not charge processing fees for making a payment by credit card.

However, I do appreciate clients who elect to pay by Internet Money Transfer (and information on how to do so is included on all invoices.)

This decision will be reviewed in July 2023 as part of transitioning to a new invoicing system.

Claiming Ontario Staycation in 2022

The government of Ontario has provided for a new tax credit for 2022. It is the Ontario Staycation.

This credit is for Ontario residents who stay at an Ontario Hotel, Motel, Resort, Cottage, Campground, Bed and Breakfast, or a Vacation Rental Property.

You will need to obtain the appropriate receipts to claim this credit. This are not your bank statements, credit card statements, nor your credit card transaction slips.

To claim this credit, you need to have a receipt which includes the following items:

  • The Name and Location of the place that you stayed at,
  • The date or dates that you stayed at the place,
  • The amount that is related to the accommodation (as opposed to food, activities, rental of equipment, etc.,) and
  • The amount of the GST/HST that you paid.

Only those receipts which are for accommodation between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022 qualify.